
#eyeonwoods Collaborative openProject  #eyesonwood with Hannes Aleksi  aims to mobilize in an artistic way through action reflected in social media,…

Hevonen Valoa

“Henonen Valoa” Mixed media on wood_ 30 x 20 cm. Some images invites me to paint, this was…

Polku in winter

The artwork “Polku” created by Cova in Lapinjärvi evolves with the seasons, a work of ephemeral art that,…

«Polku//camino» Art residence Lapinjärvi

Polku, meaning “path” in Finnish, is the proposal made by COVA in the first edition of Festival Landart Lapinjärvi which took…

Tests-Pruebas para «Polku»

Cova has been selected to participate in the Lapinjärvi Landart festival next Summer, so we have begun to…

COVA un nuevo colectivo//new colective!

Cova are Aida Alonso, Antía Sánchez, Lucía Romaní, Neru Herreros and Silvia Sánchez. Cova was born in 2017…