Collaborative openProject #eyesonwood with Hannes Aleksi aims to mobilize in an artistic way through action reflected in social media, Why? To maximize the sound of a cut tree, to use its vaki (energy of an object that charges or uncharges depending on attention) that elevates the concept of a cut being, a broken link to live.
“The disgusted look of future generations in the wood pile? We can’t escape, the Earth is on fire. Only forests may still be able to save us. We need forests now more than ever. In our hands is a treasure that we have inherited and which we must continue to give. The forests are not m3 or hectares, just feed pulp mills endless hunger. Trees are living creatures. Forests are too. Forests are a home, a system that sustains life, life itself.
Now we really have to put #eyeonwoods out there, this is our last chance.”_ Hannes Aleksi from Haan collective.
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